A pascali fogadás-érv bibliai háttere – avagy hogyan nézhetünk a legfontosabb „játszma” mögé?


  • Zoltán Prancz




Pascal’s Wager is the best known and most discussed part of Pascal’s Pensées. The basic question of the wager is this: should one bet with one’s life that God exists or not. In his argumentation Pascal surveys possible combinations and the dangers connected to these bets. One of the basic critical questions concerning Pascal’s Wager is whether it is right to make belief the subject of a wager, in other words should a rational person live as though God existed just because of positive or threatening possible consequences. The paper argues that Pascal was aware of this basic question; and his argument that progresses beyond the basic Wager handles this problem in a reassuring manner. The paper focuses on one element of fragment 233rd that sheds some new light on Pascal’s argumentation. This element introduces two aspects into Pascal’s argumentation: firstly the aspect of the possibility of realization (of consequences) and secondly the biblical context of the Wager.


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Prancz, Z. (2012). A pascali fogadás-érv bibliai háttere – avagy hogyan nézhetünk a legfontosabb „játszma” mögé?. KÜLÖNBSÉG (Difference), 10(1). https://doi.org/10.14232/kulonbseg.2010.10.1.6